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Opportunity Crudes Conference
October 28-29, 2024

Sugarland, Texas

Haverly Systems looks forward to attending and participating in this year's 9th Opportunity Crudes Conference held in Sugarland, Texas. This year's theme is Knowledge to Meet Crude Trilemma: Suppy, Affordability & Low Carbon-Intensity.

Randy Segato will be presenting on Carbon Intensity Modelling.

The diversity and market access of crude oil movements continue to grow across the globe. Whether it's the complexity of Canadian Heavy Blends via the newly operating Trans Mountain pipeline now competing with South American/Middle Eastern heavies, expanding US Light Domestic Sweet movements into Europe competing with Brent/African sweets, or shifting Middle East/Russian crude pathways, Refineries continue to assess economic crude change opportunities through advanced planning tools such as GRTMPS. In addition, the industry must now also assess the Carbon Intensity (CI) impacts of these crude pathway changes. This presentation introduces a new Carbon Intensity GHG model within H/COMET, enhancing refinery planning with detailed Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) capabilities. This includes accurate refinery product carbon Intensity allocations for near-term case studies or strategic energy transition-based opportunity crude optimization. Furthermore, the presentation covers the state of some current industry measures along with some of their existing shortfalls, and bridges into how the new Haverly development will enable quicker, more robust management modeling of Scope 1,2,3 Carbon Intensities for varying Crude Pathways. 

Randy Segato GHG Consultant for Haverly Systems, and Founder and President of QC2 Solutions, has over 36 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, with 13 years at Shell Canada, where he specialized in Refinery Process Engineering, Online Optimization, Petrochemicals, and West Canada Product Supply. His 23 years at Suncor encompassed various roles, including LP Planning, Crude Oil Trading, Crude Quality, Marketing, and Engineering. As Suncor's Top Crude Oil Quality Specialist, Randy played a pivotal role in market optimization, technology development, and the management of upgrader and refinery operations.

He contributed significantly to the development of the Canadian Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) by assisting Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) with Crude Pathway Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Throughout his career, Randy has led numerous industry-wide crude quality initiatives, actively participating in the Crude Monitor, Equalization, Royalties, and CAPP committees, and has spearheaded efforts on diluent specifications and commodity pooling.

In his capacity as President of the Canadian Crude Quality Technical Association (CCQTA) and as a board member of the U.S. Crude Oil Quality Association (COQA), Randy has worked to align crude quality principles on a global scale. Currently, he collaborates with Haverly Systems on Crude Oil LCA modeling and serves as President of QC2 Solutions, where he provides consulting services throughout the hydrocarbon value chain.

More information on the event here.